 /  Pharmaceutics

The Department of Pharmaceutics is a place where a firm determination of instruction and service is demonstrated through the excellent productivity and success of our faculty, staff, and students. Pharmaceutics branch mainly includes subjects like General Pharmaceutics, Physical Pharmacy, Dosage form development, Pharmaceutical technology and Bio-pharmaceutics.

Pharmaceutics is the study of relationships between drug formulation, delivery, disposition and clinical response. Amongst all branches, Pharmaceutical technology is the one that teaches us basic concept of manufacturing different dosage forms like Tablets, Capsules, Parenteral, and Aerosols etc. Moreover, formulation issues and quality control of these dosage forms are pondered over. Pharmaceutical technology elicits deep insight into overproduction of cosmetics like Lipstick, Deodorants, Antiperspirants, Lotions, and Creams etc.

Physical Pharmacy attempted to integrate the accurate knowledge of pharmacy through the development of the broad principle of its own (States of matter, thermodynamics, and equilibrium phenomenon), and it assisted the pharmaceutical scientist in their attempt to predict the solubility, stability, compatibility, and biological action of drug products. The primary learning outcomes include determination of shelf-life, expiry date and stability studies of the pharmaceuticals.

The branch of Bio-pharmaceutics correlates with the physical/chemical properties of the drug, the dosage form in which the drug is given, the route of administration (oral,  intravenous, subcutaneous, transdermal, etc) and rate and extent of systemic drug absorption into either the surrounding tissue, into the body or both. It mainly includes the pharmacologic response obtained from the drug concentration at a particular site or the in-vivo distribution that precede elicitation of a drug’s therapeutic effect.




Anangpuria Group of Institutions,
Alampur, Ballabgarh-Sohna Major District Road,
Faridabad-121004, Delhi-NCR, INDIA.
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